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They say that music is the language of the soul, and nothing could be truer for this Musician. An inspirational artist, Terri Shamar has earned her reputation as a talented musician and skillful performer. From live gigs to studio sessions and more, Terri Shamar continues to touch fans around the world with her distinct and enjoyable musical style. Explore the site and check out her music below.

Awaken Now My Love


Shamar Ministries

Mission Statement:

I feel a deep calling in my spirit from God to reach out to the slumbering Body through the anointing of “worship”, not only through  words of music, but true worship to God with our whole body, soul, and spirit. As most of us perceive, the Body of Christ  is in great need of unity in these last days as stated in Ephesians 4:12-13. My vision is to be a part of the awakening of our glorious Lord’s Church, to bring healing to a hurting Body, to be a Watchman set upon the walls to watch and warn God’s children (Is.62:6, Ez 33: 1-20).  I feel strongly that the only way to build up our strength and unity is through God’s Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth and power. Today’s Body is lacking the power of God to stand up to our fast changing culture, and how it is affecting our churches. Through true worship, I feel I can best do the work that God has set me apart for, to be His mouthpiece in song and in word, to help release the anointing to every individual to stand up to the darkness surrounding them, to set the captives free, and come to the realization that every true believer today is an heir with Christ in the kingdom of God. And when we finally realize the authority that has been set upon us, there will be nothing that can come against us as a Body that works together. “And when we take a stand, the angels join in “.  Amen.

Vintage Microphone
Electronic Drum Set
Piano B&W
Music Amplifier Repair
Piano Keyboard
Mixer Keys
Hands girl playing piano
amplifier and guitar
Hands girl playing piano

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