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Terri Shamar is a Contemporary Christian Worship Artist in the community and abroad. Terri has currently  recorded 6 CDs.  Her current CD “Awaken Now My Love” (Deluxe Collection) released in September 2017 on the Feast of Trumpets, and is available on Apple, Amazon, Spotify, Youtube, Pandora, Deezer, and other social media outlets.  Her prophetic song, “Awaken Now My Love” (copyrighted 2003), and recorded in 2017 with 6-time Dove Award Legend Producer, Don Koch. “He was an honor and a privilege to work with. 2017 has been a big turn-around year for me in spite of all the challenges I’ve been through. I’m so thankful and very blessed to say the least.”


Terri has been featured in the Oikeo Songwriter Magazines for her worship single, “Holy Holy is the Lord” (Sanctuary Cd), and worship articles, and featured Indie Artist in CCM Magazine.  Her 4th EP, “Child After My Own Heart” (2009), was recorded with producer, Phil Baquie (SonicFlood) who quoted, “Terri is an awesome songwriter, and one of the best female guitarists to go though the studio.”  Terri Shamar is now working on her 7th music project. She hopes that these next group of songs make a great impact to Awaken not only the Church, but outside the Church.


Fueled by her melodious rock edge, Terri’s songs bring hope to a world falling apart before our very eyes, preparing us for the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Her powerful testimony fuels her passion and the visions that God reveals to her, which are a part of the very fabric of each new song.  Her songs are just not salt and peppered by the word of God, they are bathed in it.  She is unique and can passionately rock the house, capturing the hearts of her audiences, the backslidden, the broken, and the lost. Her audiences leave feeling inspired and even healed.  One of God’s messengers, Terri Shamar is a divine appointment to the Body of Christ, determined to go where angels dare to tread.


Terri has won 1st place Songwriter contests (one of her songs was judged by the Newsboys), and her songs have been title sound tracks in movies, C Me Dance, Through A Mother’s Eyes, and has done Song Ads for Radio and TV.  Terri also ministers at special events, churches, retreats, coffee houses, schools, women’s conferences, etc.  Her strength as a songwriter has grown throughout the years, and has captured the attention of many christian artists, producers, magazine, television, and media outlets. Terri’s music plays on numerous radio stations in Israel and throughout the world. Terri also ministers at special events, churches, retreats, coffee houses, schools, and conferences, etc.


One of her passions are the children, and is actively involved as Church Relations in Southern Oregon, for Franklin Grahm’s “Operation Christmas Child” (Samaritan’s Purse).  She leads worship for the City’s March for Life, and sponsors children through Compassion International, the Pregnancy Care Center and actively ministers to Celebrate Recovery Rehab Ministry.


Healing Testimony ~ “My songs have been birthed through much suffering, pain, and fiery trials in my life: rejection, abandonment, abuse, persecution, slander, grief, kidnapped, physical pain, and have faced death itself – a 50 ft. waterfall accident which was more like some kind of baptism and ordination service;  car accident without a scratch, preceded by an angelic warning 3 days before…and physically dying, with excruciating stomach pain “unknown” to doctors, who sent me home to die.  “I was doing my concerts in pain, and no one knew I wanted to end my life because the pain was so great. I wanted to run my jeep into the river after one concert.  I had cried out to the Lord to either take me out, or heal me. The Lord gently spoke to me and said, ‘My grace is sufficient for you.’  From that point on, I was totally healed of all physical illness and pain in my body.  I have not been sick with anything since 1997.”   Throughout the years, the Lord has used Terri helping those with prayer, diet, fasting, and many suffering with different illnesses, and cancer, etc.



Background & Journey~


Terri Shamar began playing guitar at 7 years old when her father, from the famous “Lee” line, a strong military man 37 years and retired Captain, related to Robert E. Lee, and two Lee signers on the Declaration of Independence (Francis Lightfoot Lee and Richard Henry Lee)….. laid a guitar in her hands at 7 years old, and taught herself to play off the radio and write her little songs. In her second grade class, she began putting little melodies to her teacher’s poems, which later became popular childrens’ songs in her school. Her parents put her in music theory program by mail correspondence, to learn to read music.


She began leading worship at fifteen years old in the Catholic church.  This was the beginning of her training ground which God began grooming her to lead worship. Petite in stature, wearing her 12-string guitar like a dress, ministered to many.  “Early one morning, repeating a prayer after my girlfriend who just got saved 2 weeks before, the tears flowed, and this HUGE weight came off me, and I felt light as a feather! I went flying out of there! I was truly a new creature in Christ, with eyes wide open!”  When she received Jesus as her personal Savior, Terri threw away her large notebook full of song collections from performing in Top 40 bands the past years, and all her albums into the dumpster, putting away her guitar. She didn't know there was christian music. She picked up her guitar again and began singing songs from Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith, Sandi Patti, 2nd Chapter of Acts, Darrel Mansfield, Chuck Girard, Phil Driskol, etc., then began writing her own christian songs.   Since then, Terri went to college and studied Recording Studio Engineering, music theory, and studied Voice with a coliatura opera singer from New York, who encouraged Terri to teach the art of voice.  Terri is one of the main voice instructors and guitar teachers in the community.


In 1988, out of over 200 entries in the Southern California Songwriter’s Festival, she was selected to perform her Christian pop tune, “You Carried Me All the Way,” copyrighted 1987,  and was given airplay and honorable mentions in major newspapers.  Terri’s music plays on various radio stations throughout the world.  Terri was also in a contemporary maranatha band called “JC -911”, attending Brian Broderson’s Calvary Chapel in Vista, CA.



2005 Marching Orders~


“In March 2005, the Lord visited me through the strange beautiful rays of the sunrise, and His Presence filled my apartment. I then ran outside and looked up to see this beautiful strange glow in the sky. I then noticed my yard was the only one with flowers on the whole street. Purple Hyacinth or Crocus flowers which are significant to me. I ran back inside the apartment shouting, ‘He’s here, He’s here!’ I opened up all the blinds, the beautiful rays flooding my apartment. When I calmed down, the Lord spoke and said that I had the joy of a child at Christmas time.  But the Bride of Christ was not ready for Him, and that many would shrink from His Presence, that her garments are filthy from the world.  He then said, “Terri, Go. Tell My Bride to Wake up to make herself ready for My coming, having no spot nor wrinkle, unstained from the world, because I am coming very soon.”  Right then, the beautiful sunrise vanished up into the fog layer between two mountain peaks, and it was gloomy again.  I was heartbroken because He was gone! The Holy Spirit compelled me to open up to Heb.10:30-39 “…..Therefore, do not throw away your confidence which has great reward.  For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.  For yet in a very little while, He who is coming will come, and will not delay.  But My righteous one shall live by faith;  And if He shrinks back, My soul has no pleasure in him.  But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul.”  I truly believe this is our final hour to fulfill the calling on all our lives, as though He will come back any minute…….”


Summer of 2006 ~ After cutting her third CD “Wake Now Sleeper”, she held a fund raiser for the Hurricane Katrina Victims, at the Historical Rogue Theatre in Grants Pass, OR., the first Contemporary christian artist to ever perform there.  Terri was the first Contemporary Christian artist to play at the Summer Annual “Concerts in the Park”.  Thought of as a pioneer in this town of Grants Pass, Terri sighed, ‘God is not through with me yet!” Sprawled on the floor, face smashed in the ground, once again surrendering to God, remembering that the proof of your faith being more precious than gold, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ……


In January 2007~ Terri was already booked for a paid China Missionary trip, although she felt the Spirit prompting her to go to Franklin, TN., but her husband said, “We’re already booked for China…..and you’re going to China.”  Couple weeks later,  Terri’s husband’s company needed him to meet an important contract deadline.  So the company reimbursed every dime, and then some!  So the Lord wisked Terri off to Franklin, TN. in March 2007, to attend and perform at the Indieheaven CIA Summit Conference, a turning point in her journey.


In September 2007, the Lord wisked Terri off to Pakistan, with Ambassador Ministries, ministering in song and word, day and night at Crusades 15,000 to 100,000 in attendance, traveling city to city, and had an opportunity to sing for Pakistan Dignitaries. There were many miracles, many healings, deliverances, and thousands of souls saved.  There was a documented testimony of a girl healed of blindness as Terri was singing in one of the Crusades.  Terri sang and preached to a 300 Muslim women conference, and laid hands on all who were sick, where physical healings and miracles took place.  There were times I didn’t even feel my feet touching the ground.  My feet never got tired.”  Thank the Lord for His mercy and protection!  The first Christian Artist to ever perform in Pakistan!   This mission was truly a life changing experience!  Terri has traveled abroad and ministered in other countries, Honduras, Israel, Islands in the Tropics and Mediterranean.


2009 Vision~


“On June 29th, 2009, I had some kind of ”upload” or vision.  The Lord took me up, and we were traveling past New York.  I saw that it was “dark and devastated”, with no lights, no power.  Looking down on the City, I noticed it was kind of ashy-looking.  We kept “traveling” and talking about “things in the future".  We traveled very far away from New York, over very beautiful calm waters, a sparkling river with trees on each side of the river.  Then,  I looked and saw a building that resembled something in the Middle East.  It was beautiful, but was tilted as if by earthquake or war, and I noticed a scone-looking light still on, which was on the front face of the building, making me think it was evening time.  A little later (and who knows how much time had lapsed), I asked the Lord, “What are all these fires, Lord?”  And He spoke plainly to me, “That is Iran.”  I then said, “I’m afraid.”  Well, I don’t know why I would say that, because I had no fear being with Jesus!  So, I know now I said that in a future tense.  The Lord then spoke and said, “Don’t be afraid.  Think of it as fun and exciting.”  I had shared this upload/vision, whatever you want to call it, to several pastors and leaders around the globe.  Shortly, I began seeing and watching alarming news reports on tv.  Pastors/leaders were emailing me, saying, “Terri, thought you might be interested in this,” which were articles about Iran, Israel, etc…   


“In November 2012, Hurricane Sandy, a monster East Coast Storm,  came through and devastated New York, and the surrounding states.   It was “dark and devastated” with no power. I thought this might be the 2009 vision coming to pass. I paid close attention to the news reports as I searched for pictures that would resemble what I saw in my vision.  I  found a picture that was almost precise of what I saw in my vision, except I had the aerial view. I believe it was a precursor to what is ahead. There still remains the ashy look over the City. In conclusion, the fires in Iran, Israel, Ukraine,  are happening now.”

“One of the reasons I am speaking out to share these visions with you, is because the Coming of the Lord is so much closer than ever before.  Number #2, the Lord said,  “GO,  Wake up and warn the Body of Christ, My Bride, to be ready.  I’m coming very soon,” in March 2005.  And then 2009, the Vision of New York, dark and devastated, we're getting very close than ever before.  Should we "hide our head" in the sand and be in denial about it?  No, I don’t think so.  Look around, what do you see?  Peace and tranquility?  Or, chaos?  For the believer there is peace because we have Jesus. We need to sound the trumpet, and spread the gospel, the Great Commission, baptizing and telling the world the Kingdom of God is here!  We are the Kingdom of God. I believe we are to know for sure our calling and fulfill our ministries, advancing the Kingdom with joy!   Look up, for your redemption draws near! No one knows the day or the hour, not even the Son, but the season, it’s all in God’s perfect timing.  We keep watch on Israel, God’s timepiece, and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. (Ps.122).  “Scripture also tells us that ‘he who blesses Israel shall be blessed, and he who curses Israel shall be cursed.’  The boat is docked for now, and the door of the ark is open,  and we are to “prepare our hearts".  Get on board now, before the door of the ark is shut, and He says 'I never knew you.'


Continuing the Journey~


"The Lord has opened up many doors, and opportunities for me to speak.  I just go where He leads me.”  Terri led worship for a Messianic group for a season while studying the Feasts and the Hebrew language, that she may return to Israel again one day.  The Hebrew (Aramaic) language is the Sacred Tongue, and was Jesus’ native tongue. “Did you know that the DNA of the universe is comprised of the Hebrew alphabet, and down to our very cells?” Did you know that God gave you a Shield Immunity Defense System, not just physically, but cellularly?  In 2004 I heard a shout in the heavenlies "Build up the immune system!  Diseases are coming over!"  And now, fast forward,  it's all about having a strong immune system to find off these plagues.


Not only missionary to the precious people of Pakistan, Terri Shamar is also missionary to Honduras, where diabetes and aids are prevalent. Visiting Orphanages and small villages has been her quest.  She has been a guest worship leader and Speaker in churches, and on the surrounding islands, etc…   Although there are many churches there, the island still needs evangelism.  Terri had a divine appointment, and was taken to a small church on the water near the poor villages, and a school, where she led worship, gave her testimony, and prayed for the sick and afflicted, and encouraged them to continue.  This church believed a speaker would come to them, and Terri was received and honored.  “When I gave the altar call and prayed for them, the Lord let me read their mail, because they wouldn’t tell me what was wrong with them!  I had a profound word for each one.   It was so incredibly rewarding that God did such a powerful work in that little church on the water, where their pastor had died three months before.  These three dynamic women of God, took over for their beloved pastor, and is keeping the ministry going.  Terri has given many altar calls in other churches after sharing her testimony.


The Lord showed me the beginning of 2019 that a plague was coming.  COVID-19 came out rearing its head around March 2019. The Lord spoke and said, "Come out of her, My people.  Do not participate in her sins, and you will not receive of her plagues."  The Church needs to WAKE UP, and take her stand for the Truth, and use her Voice of Authority against the enemy, lead many to Christ, and save the Children. I believe that COVID 19 is a conditioning for the Finale.  This is just the beginning.  "Awaken Now My Love, for the hour is at hand!  For such a time as this!  Isaiah 52:11-12 says,  "Depart, depart, go out from there,  Touch nothing unclean, Go out from the midst of her, "Purify" yourselves, You who carry the vessels of the Lord. But you will not go out in haste, Nor will you go out as fugitives.  For the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your Rear Guard."  The Lord will not abandon His children.  Amen.






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